
Consulting Services & Litigation Support


Every real estate investment has its own unique characteristics and level of complexity. We’ll help you make sensible decisions. We provide due diligence, market studies, portfolio services, lease advisory, and support to resolve legal disputes.

Curiosity Culture

The most fundamental of all our work principles is that if the client is happy, then we’re too. This is ensured by the fact that we foster a culture of curiosity. A curiosity to uncover those hidden details that seem to always insure that no two properties are the same. We also offer a long history of involvement in the commercial real estate valuation industry keeping with the best standards of practices and implementing the latest in new technology, some of which is proprietary to RVP, to insure high quality reports that are delivered on time.


Deep Local Expertise in Arizona Real Estate

With a background in securities and financial futures markets topped with 30 years of experience in Arizona real estate markets, John McDonald, MAI, and his team have a broad and diverse background that ensures you’ve got exceptional expertise at the local level.



Our focus is solely on the Arizona commercial real estate markets, and our valuation solutions are based on rigorous independent research and financial analysis that reflect the local market. We are not affiliated with a brokerage firm or national company where in many cases a report is assembled by multiple people and sometimes in multiple states. This practice can lead to “local incompetence” and biases that can cause costly errors. When working with RVP you can be assured that a licensed, experienced and MAI designated appraiser with extensive local knowledge toured the property, confirmed the data and performed the financial analysis that led to accurate valuation solutions for the subject property.