
Driven by Curiosity – Because Extensive Market Knowledge is Not Enough

Our professional expertise lets clients benefit from unique industry and local knowledge across diverse property types. However, this is not always enough if an important detail like an adverse easement, potential zoning change or planned nearby development are missed. Our success in providing accurate information is ensured in part by the fact that we foster a culture of curiosity. A curiosity to uncover those hidden details that seem to always dictate that no two properties are the same. This appetite to uncover all relevant details about a property, tell its story and provide accurate valuations is a cornerstone of our mental process.

Always at Your Service

The most fundamental of all our work principles is that if the client is happy, then we are too. Personalized service with a deep understanding of real estate finance, from acquisition to disposition helps us service our diverse client base.

Timely Delivery

Paramount to sustaining our happy clients is our adherence to our promised delivery times. We only quote delivery times that we can meet with a high-quality accurate report.

Principal Experience

With a background in securities and financial derivatives markets topped with 30 years of experience in Arizona commercial real estate markets, John McDonald, MAI, and his team have a broad and diverse background that ensures you’ve got exceptional expertise at the local level.

Meet John

R. John McDonald, MAI

R. John McDonald, MAI


With a background in securities and financial derivative markets topped with 30 years of experience in Arizona real estate valuation, John McDonald, MAI and has a broad and diverse financial background. In addition to stints of service for the local chapter of the Appraisal Institute, John supports education causes and has been an active board member of a charter school ….